Sunday, January 20, 2019

Extended Reality used in the Hospitality and Marketing Industry

By:Kyle Doroja, Heniskumar Patel and Gurkirat Singh

What is Extended Reality ?

Extended Reality (XR) is a new form of medium that has rose in popularity lately and it refers to all real and virtual combined environments. It can be representative in different forms such as augmented reality (AR), augmented virutuality (AV) and virtual reality (VR).The levels of virtuality range from partially sensory inputs to immersive virtuality. Still, its purpose and use lies in the extension of human experiences especially relating to the senses of existence (represented by VR) and the acquisition of cognition (represented by AR). 

Virtual Reality (VR) takes the user into a virtual environment typically used with a head set for viewing and sometimes with a controller as well to navigate though the virtual space, while Augmented Reality (AR) overlays the real environment with digital objects, allowing the user to experience the relationship between digital and physical world.

The three main examples of Extended Reality 

How are hotels implementing Extended Reality Technology in their business ?

Hotels as of late are now using extended reality with their marketing to provide a more immersed experience when showing customers available rooms,banquet halls and their recreation facilities just to name a few. The big one that is currently using a form of XR for their promotion is the famous hotel and resort Shangri-La in which they have a page focused on their website that promotes all their chain hotels all around the world and with a simple click you can become fully immersed at all these beautiful locations as if you were there to get a feel on what to expect if you book with Shangri-La.

Given it's vast use of unlimited possibility on marketing many hotel chains now such as the Mariott, Hilton, Best Western, Premier inn and the Mansion are hopping board on the extended reality train and are using it in ways that allow their guest to have a more easier time when their travelling to destinations unknown while also providing a unique exciting experience.

Using AR as a form of travel assist

How will this impact the hospitality marketing industry ?

Guest of today mostly crave two things with their travel which is convenience and innovation and given how technology continues to grow and evolve more and more with the use of this implemented technology it allows hotels and businesses to adjust to the change of target audience.

Given that the dominant generation for consumers as of late are the millennial's the generation which relies on technology heavily. It means that they're most likely to purchase a product that has technology involved with their experience compared to that with a package that doesn't. It allows the hotel companies to provide to their guest a new innovative way of making their travel experience much more unique by allowing infinite possibilities on making their customers satisfied and more willing to come back to their establishment, Extended Reality also has the ability to transform how guest interact with the hotel both on and off site which allows guest to still have a form of assistance and independence while on their travels.

Other ways that the hospitality business use extended reality is with their previews and bookings, interactive entertainment, immediate translation for those in countries foreign to them and finally finding your way to provide easier navigation .

With Augmented Reality hotels are able to provide real time navigation for consumers if they are in need of assistance and have no guide. AR can also provide simulated travel experiences allowing any consumer to experience certain recreational activities without the worry of safety or concern.

Overall, we believe that Extended Reality has the ability to "augment" the hospitality industry in a huge way if this trend becomes the norm for marketing and that it can be a huge step forward for any company that hops on board with this concept.



1. Do you think that the use of extended reality can be the future of marketing for hospitality businesses ?

2. Would a hotel having extended reality to allow you to be more immerse increase the chances of you staying with that hotel ?

3. What are some disadvantages that you can see regarding the use of extended reality for promotion and marketing for hotels ?

4. Do you think that the use of extended reality will be just a trend that will be forgotten or do you think that eventually all hotels will implement this form of marketing ?